About Us
IPC is a network of active or retired oil field executives. Its main objective is to advise governments, oil companies and individuals on petroleum issues with special emphasis on West Africa, where they have all worked during their professional lives. These oil executives have enjoyed excellent and clean relations with heads of states, ministers, as well as governmental dignitaries at the highest level. We have in most cases managed to maintain those relations and we strongly believe that we can use them to promote exploration and production of oil in the countries where we have decided to remain active.
In Gabon in particular, we will be advising the government on what to do to promote its sedimentary basin (fiscal terms need to be tailored to field size and probability discovery); we will facilitate accessibility to new exploration areas, with the aim of unlocking additional oil potential. In a country depending on oil for more than 60% of the national revenue, the declining oil production must become a national concern, which needs the highest attention and priority.
Our concern is the necessity to at least slow the oil production decline by:
- Finding new reserves in new exploration provinces (deep offshore, ultra deep, deep forest);
- Promoting the production/development of marginal fields (terms will have to be reviewed to improve the fields profitability);
- Renegotiation of terms for fields coming at the end of their economic life;
- Development of marginal but proven reserves;
- Opening new areas for exploration by promoting technical co-operation agreements;
- Looking at gas opportunities and utilization/development;
- Customs as well as immigration regulation for petroleum professionals should be eased to promote technology transfer and improve efficiency.
Curriculum Vitae
If you want to see Mr. Charles TCHEN’s Curriculum Vitae click here.